Lisa Wharton's profile

Business Card Design

Business Card Design

Goal-Professional Business Card with Custom Design
We were to design a business card that was given a personal touch with our own logo, color scheme, fonts, and layout.  Information was to readable, the color scheme needed to work well together, and design principles were to be applied throughout the process. 

Logo-Create Logo Consisting of Our Initials/Communicates
This process consisted of thumbnail sketches, digital sketches, and a refining process consisting of my top 3 designs.  In the end I went with a logo that look professional and unique, while creating a strong focal point. 

Font Choice-Readable Text/Communicates Company Feel
Various layouts were created to enhance the logo, while still allowing the information to communicate with the user.   Alignment, grouping, and placement were all factors in the finalizing the placement of the text and logo.  The card was given a vertical layout to create a sleeker look and to allow the information to be blocked in groups from top to bottom rather than side to side.  

Color Scheme-Readable Text/Contrast
Working with my final layout design I applied multiple color schemes.  I use Adobe's color wheel to assist me when choosing color schemes.  Being limited to 3 colors allowed the card to come out sharp looking, with no information getting lost in a busy mix of colors.  Black, pink, and aqua were chosen because they provide a good contrast that also represents my personality as a designer.  Using white space on the front of the card gave a nice professional touch for those looking for a more conservative designer. 

Back-Consistant with Design/Limited Information
The back of the card is not supposed to be an exact duplicate of the front, it isn't supposed to be blank either.  I went for a bolder look in the front, giving the back of the card more color for those looking for an edgier designer.  I kept the logo the focal point and decided on using just the website as informational text to keep it simple, yet informative.

Result-See For Yourself
Doing the digital Photoshop mockup of my card gives it life and character, letting those that view it know what my style and feel is as a designer.  It is a design that catches the eye of users who are looking for design that speaks not only to them, but to their target audience as well.

Business Card Design

Business Card Design

Business Card Design
