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CURSORY GLANCES | Design Compendium Promo Video

CURSORY GLANCES |  Design Compendium Promo Video
Individual Project 

In a society dominated by imagery, visual literacy is seen as a skillset that enables people to
comprehend critical information. We now live in an era of visual culture that influences our lifestyle,

attitudes and beliefs. Imagery predominates our environment through different forms of communication,
 and visual literacy allows a person to be able to distinguish, visual objects and actions in the world,
enhancing comprehension of daily life. Reports have shown that nearly 30% of the brain’s cortex is devoted
 to visual processing, and that ninety percent of all the information we take in from the world we take in visually. 

The world we live in today is one of the most visual and image-saturated culture, both naturally and artificially created,
in the whole of history. It has therefore befallen upon us to find ways to interact and interpret visuals, as it becomes a
fundamental component of daily life. Understanding the complex construction and social functions of visual imagery more
 important than ever before. To have critical visual literacy skills to to be able to perceive, understand, observe, discover,
recognize, analyze, read, look — from identification of things to the use of symbols and language. Physiological
 mechanisms are automatic in the human nervous system, and that a vast amount of information would be received. 

With so much of the brain’s cortex devoted to visual processing,
it is logical that visual literacy is the key sensory literacy.
CURSORY GLANCES | Design Compendium Promo Video

CURSORY GLANCES | Design Compendium Promo Video
