This project exposes the relationship between Glasgow city and disturbed mental being. The main source of the context and development of the work is located by the river Clyde, Glasgow. There, the Glasgow Rescue Society is based with the boat man George Personage, sharing thousands of stories about rescuing lives.
Is it the weather? Is it the environment or history reflecting? Or is it they way of looking at things or the way things are looking at us?

Referencing to a book by Gaston Bachelard ‘Poetics of Space’, this project is scraping off the surfaces of outdoor textures and structures to expose the deeper relationships and influences, that may, or may not affect our personal and emotional experiences.
Video and audio installation contains synthesis of abstract and poetic narratives in monochrome. Layers of footage capture reflections of the cityscape, nature and body movement. Texturefields are combined with the ambient sounds and presented as an sensor experience. Engaged with flanery and cinematic painting, this project centres around creating an authentic atmosphere. Stepping the shoes of one, that does not want to live. Influences  from filmmaker Ken Jacobs, artists Sophie Calle, Diana Thater and Max Eatley come through experimental aesthetic language engaged with the space and sound.

The aspiration to create a dialogue between each element of the footage and the viewer, merges with the open questions: what makes background a background? Why? How background affects the main focus, what if there is no main focus? Where do we feel we belong between all the layers?
