Loneliness and solitude are the different faces of isolation.
Loneliness is to dark as solitude is to bright.
Loneliness is to shadow as solitude is to light.
Loneliness is to passive as solitude is to initiative.
Loneliness is to fragmented as solitude is to complete.
Loneliness and solitude share an identical situation with two opposite statements.
The booth is isolated from others not only to reflect the idea of being alone but also to create a tranquil atmosphere by building up a personal space. Divided into two sections by the lights, the black hat LON will greet the audience at first sight. Entering from the left side of the booth 
(where the main entrance of the studio is), visitors may experience the design and feel the emotions first with the support of video aside.
Turning to front view, the story is then told. 

By introducing the widely known emotion loneliness in advance, it would be easier for most of the audience to compare and understand the 
“seems like but not a kind“ emotion, solitude. Visitors are welcomed to light up / close down the hats, or stand under the hats to interact 
with the light and shadow.