Chan Xiao Lin's profileNurafiqah Hassan's profile

Snapea Crisps – 100% Less Snacker's Remorse


We were tasked to work in groups of 2 and create a set of print ads for the product category we picked. 
I worked with Afiqah for this module.

Product Category: Chips
Brand: Harvest Snaps from Calbee
Product: Snapea Crisps

Product Background:
Snapea Crisps are baked snacks made of natural peas and lentils. It boasts a recipe that has more fibre, less fat and sodium, contains proteins and Vitamin B and is gluten free. 

Advertising Objective:
To make Snapea Crisps more known as a low calorie, high protein snack since consumers nowadays are more committed to eating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. It is also an attempt to make Snapea Crisps more known as a healthier alternative they can have without feeling guilty whilst snacking. 

Humorous, Nostalgic
We decided on using cartoon characters in order to instil a sense of nostalgia to make it more relatable to the audience. We also attempted to make the tone of the ads humorous so as to make the audience feel more engaged. The message that we want to send out to the audience is that with Snapea Crisps, consumers can still snack to their hearts' content without feeling too guilty about it and still maintain a healthier lifestyle since it is a low calorie and high protein option.  
Using the cartoon character Homer Simpsons to express that one can still maintain a more healthy lifestyle consuming Snapea Crisps since it is a low calorie, protein snack and healthier alternative.

The Couch Potato in a Fresh New Way
Using the cartoon character Popeyes, we replaced the can of spinach he always holds with Snapea Crisps to express that one can still maintain a more healthy lifestyle consuming Snapea Crisps since it is a low calorie, protein snack and healthier alternative.

100% Less Snackers Remorse
Snapea Crisps – 100% Less Snacker's Remorse

Snapea Crisps – 100% Less Snacker's Remorse
