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Pride & Prejudice

Eliz­a­beth Ben­net lives in Eng­land with her four sis­ters, her mother, and her father. A fam­ily friend intro­duces Eliz­a­beth to Mr. Darcy, a wealthy yet reserved gen­tle­man. Eliz­a­beth loathes Mr. Darcy, and avoids him as much as pos­si­ble. Though Darcy is proud at first, it becomes obvi­ous of his fond­ness for Eliz­a­beth. Con­ven­tion, how­ever, restricts his affec­tion for her, see­ing as he is rich and high on the social lad­der, and Eliz­a­beth comes from a middle-class family.
The over­all con­cept of the book cover was to show clas­si­cal style and con­text of the book. Also to high­light the fem­i­nine char­ac­ters though out the book, because they are the most important.
Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice

Eliz­a­beth Ben­net lives in Eng­land with her four sis­ters, her mother, and her father. A fam­ily friend intro­duces Eliz­a­beth to Mr. Darcy, Read More
