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Guggu Duggu's Sair | Illustrated Children's Book

Where accessibility to global content has enhanced our knowledge about diverse places, cultures and heritage, it also increases one’s fondness for it, especially in case of impressionable little children. Even we as adults tend to take what we have for granted. When something is deeply rooted in our everyday lives, we often forget to appreciate it.

As seen in most cases, as soon as a concept is presented through a media (film, book etc) it begins to form a different meaning for us. Our perception of the same concept changes and we start seeing it with a different lens. My project aims at creating a sense of pride among children for their culture, heritage and environment. I started the initiative by creating study material on local festivals, which are going to be used by public and private schools of Himachal Pradesh. The aim of this project is developing an interest towards rituals and customs, making children understand the value of heritage and culture in one’s life and creating a sense of gratitude for one’s culture.

I have created a sample book that explores the festival of Sair through activities weaved together with the help of a narrative. The book facilitates group activities involving all sense. The target audience of this project is 3 to 5 year old children of Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh and it is meant to be facilitated by teachers over a period of time. 
Guggu Duggu's Sair | Illustrated Children's Book


Guggu Duggu's Sair | Illustrated Children's Book

An illustrated children's book on a Pahadi festival Sair
