What is a branded film?
A branded film is a collaboration between a filmmaker’s vision and a brand’s core idea.
It’s a film supported by a brand that isn’t about the brand.
In fact, any product or service the brand offers, tends to take a back seat to the story.
As it gets more and more difficult to reach savvy audiences through traditional media, a few innovative brands are turning to creative collaborations to engage customers.
Making a great branded film starts with a great story. Who better to create that story, than a group of dedicated, and creative storytellers.
OCF is serious about making content for brands that deviates from traditional advertising methods.
We believe that story comes first, and by creating compelling and interesting stories, the brand is rewarded for being associated with the content.
We Tell Stories

We Tell Stories

openconceptfilms.com Branded Stories ... What is a Branded Film? #wetellstories let us tell yours What is a branded film? A branded film is a col Read More
