What design elements/ principals were used? Texture, Emphasis, Unity and Rhythm, Color, 
What story does this image tell? The release of ones inner self. This man where a suit or a uniform every day but today.
How does this image pertain to the overall story? It Is a prime example of genetic pride.
What design elements/ principals were used? Rhythm, Texture, Contrast. 
What story does this image tell? The youth remembering and honoring the ways of the past.
How does this image pertain to the overall story? this is a prime example of  genetic pride
What design elements / principals were used? Emphases, Contrast
What story does this image tell? the youth honoring the elders 
How does this image pertain to the overall story? what native pride is all about
What design elements/ principals were used? Emphasis, Texture, Value, Rhythm, Color 
What story does this image tell? The pride of the elders.
How does this image pertain to the overall story? Pride is not just what you exemplify its also what you see in others
What design elements/ principals were used? Unity, Rhythm, Contrast, Balance, Lines, Value
What story does this image tell? This shot tells the story of unity in native American pride.
How does this image pertain to the overall story? This Images shows the unity in pride itself.
What design elements/ principals were used? Unity, Balance, Value, Form, Lines, 
What story does this image tell? This image tells of the sacrifices made that embody that pride
How does this image pertain to the overall story? This image is the story in a nut shell. The elders sacrificed now we respect that sacrifice and honor them and our past.
What design elements/ principals were used? Emphasis, Lines, Value, Rhythm 
What story does this image tell? Caring the flag. The flag is symbolic to our pride of who we are. People of two nations America and Our tribes. 
How does this image pertain to the overall story? In this image we have the American flag the hat that says native on it and veteran most importantly we have a man that one would never know is native or the scarifies that his family has put forth caring a flag. This photo is like a stitch in the basket of pride. It just belongs.
What design elements/ principals were used? Balance, Texture, Value, Shapes, Rhythm
What story does this image tell? this image tells two story one of the elder looking back (right)  and one of the youth looking forward playing the drums (Left with feathers facing you). 
How does this image pertain to the overall story? Pride is timeless it is passed on from one to the next sometimes without any words or intent to do so. 
What design elements/ principals were used? Texture, Value, Unity, Shape, Form
What story does this image tell? This image tells the time invested into Pride
How does this image pertain to the overall story? This image shows the work and pride behind being a proud person of culture. this was not an easy thing to create yet its creation is flawless indicating a love for  what is done. The turtle is a special creature to Native Americans and 
What design elements/ principals were used? Color, Value, Emphasis
What story does this image tell? A young warrior aiming to impress his elders with his respect for the old ways and culture.
How does this image pertain to the overall story? The flag above him is the flag of his tribe. The colors in this shot unifies him with the colors of his flag. The feathers in his head piece almost unifies with the same feathers in his tribes flag. This image show unification with his culture. 
Native American Pride

Native American Pride

Native Pride


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