Light up a dark place

How to light a corridor, an attic, a staircase without a window or a dark room, without using electricity? Skylights, roof windows or light ducts: look up, the solution is just above your head...

When we talk about attics, everyone thinks about installing roof windows. Unfortunately, it happens that certain situations do not allow the use of such products: flat roof, ban of Architectes des Bâtiments de France or co-ownership, etc.

Create a skylight

If your roof is flat or slightly sloping, if your room is located under a terrace, you can create zenithal lighting, which will diffuse natural light very well. This skylight must be perfectly waterproof and guarantee excellent thermal insulation. What does it consist of? Outside, a plastic dome or dome protects the bay window and facilitates rain drainage, while reducing impact noise. Then comes the window, with double insulating glass. Always equip it with sun protection, even in the north of France. If you do not have other means of ventilation, avoid fixed models. Choose motorized windows with a remote control switch.

Reflect light through a conduit

If it is impossible for you to install zenithal lighting, then think of the light conduit. What is it about? This conduit is actually a tube capable of reflecting light, so that it penetrates inside the house. The light enters at roof level and a ceiling light is then used to diffuse the light into the room. The system works even in grey weather. The ceiling lamp that transmits light into your room must have good thermal insulation to avoid energy loss to the roof. In general, the ducts do not exceed a length of 6 meters. But you can find up to 9 meters long (with the possibility of creating an elbow) in a larger diameter. Beyond that, the light restitution, too far from the source, will be of poorer quality. The mirror effect has its limits.
remote control

remote control
