Alex Zjalic's profile

Birmingham Design Festival Publication Project

This is a brief set to create a publication that will attract people to visit the Birmingham Design Festival in June. What needs to be produced includes:
oPhysical printed festival guide.
oCan be given away for free.

To consider:
o The speakers visiting.
o Visitors who have never been to Birmingham.
o Festival branding and graphic language.
o Size and format.
o Paper stocks.
o Print finishes.
o Techniques and binding.

What the client is expecting:
oIdeas for name and masthead.
o A cover and at least one double page spread.
o Research into Birmingham.
o Research into practitioners.

My solution was:
Front and back cover of the magazine -I have including the brief’s needs such a name for the publication and a masthead. I used the carriers shapes and forward shape as the carriers to hold a collage of Birmingham’s highlights such as the canals. I used the primary typeface Noe Display. To keep the publication consistent I have included the one of the core variation of the logo to feature on the bottom.

For the back cover I kept it simple with the core variation logo at the bottom. I had previously used some carrier shapes to fill the empty space however it was hard to distinguish the front from the back cover so I kept it plain and simple.

Inside cover page and index page - For the inside cover I decided to give an introduction to the festival. The information I used is from the BDF website. I used Baskerville for the body text and have done this with any text throughout the publication.

For the index page I kept it simple by including a title and minimum information to prompt the reader to find the information by continuing reading.

For an double page spread featuring any type such as information the template would be the same

Artist pages- For each designer there are two double page spreads. The first spread is a preview of the designer where there are two carriers with a portrait of the speaker and a piece of their work. I decided to do this first before the main information so the reader can have a preview and not get overloaded with information. For the second double page spread I included some information about speaker from their website and a portrait.

Birmingham Design Festival Publication Project

Birmingham Design Festival Publication Project

A publication design for the Birmingham Design Festival 2018
