This design anthology was created with a collection of essays about typography and punctuation and how both have evolved over time and influenced the other; from the use of the printing press to the introduction of the Internet. With essays and articles written by authors including Keith Houston, Emily King, Rob Walker, Steven Heller, Ellen Lupton, and Jason Santa Maria, among others, I typeset and designed this book to compliment the theme of the essays. I decided to use a subtle color scheme to keep the focus on the content of the essays, and to not overpower it. I also utilized oversized punctuation marks from different time periods, since this is a book about typography. Finally, I played with mixing hand-done elements with traditional graphic design to add an unexpected flare to the book and some added visual interest. These essays detail the importance of typography as a way to evoke emotion in design, and how typography can act as imagery on its own.
Design Anthology


Design Anthology

Design anthology on essays about typography.
