Candy was never in shortage in our house. However, looking back now it seems like the packaging it came in was just about the product inside and not about any experience. I decided to design packaging that would get the kids involved in the brand. So much candy these days lacks any relationship with the consumer.

Following the design of cereal boxes, I wanted to build a relationship with my audience through the use of mascots. Each type of candy has a unique monster mascot. These monsters are looking to become good monsters or Goodie Ghouls. It is the kid’s job to help the monsters become good by completing games on the back of the boxes. If the consumer helps the monsters and collects enough Goodie Ghoul badges, they can receive exclusive merchandise. Giving kids a way to interact with characters and the package can help sell the product as well as help develop a relationship with the customer.

The cardboard box is efficient for the different type of packages. The box itself acts as the first layer for the protection of the product. Inside the box, the candy would be enclosed in a plastic bag which would help keep the product fresh. The bright colors of each box, and the friendly monster theme will help draw the attention of children to this candy packaging.
Goodie Ghouls

Goodie Ghouls
