Logan's Run
Title Sequence / Live Action

Final Project for Cinematography Class
Unofficial Title Sequence for "Logan's Run"
Design : YiChi 
:: Objective
New treatment of title design have to create the mysterious moods and show the setting of the movie.

:: Synopsis
People live in an enclosed domed city, and each citizen has a crystalline life-clock embedded in the palm of the left hand. It will change colors as they age, from yellow, then blue, then red, then blinks red and black on the last day.

:: Concept
People live in the enclosed domed city and each citizen with a crystalline life-clock in the palm of the left hand. It will change colors as their age, yellow, then blue, then red, then blinks red and black on the last day.

The new title sequence uses artificial foods to present futuristic food and high-tech city. People spent whole life eat artificial foods, and they never understand the benefits of organic or natural food. They are not aware that the crystals control their fate.

​By using the crystal to create the kaleidoscope effects conveys that citizens live in a pleasure world, and they never know the truth of the crystal and died early.

:: Technique
Use After Effect to do Editing and Compositing
Final Render
Logan's Run