Book set : Hardcover book, Ancient Egypt map, Magnifying glass 
The feeling of papers, texture and things related to this book provides context that leads to better comprehension. Plus, all of the physical movements you make while reading a book, like flipping pages and where you put the book down, give you more cues to trigger your memory about various aspects of the book. Purposely made as a special feature to this book, a magnifying card was designed to translate some of the hieroglyph symbol over the paragraph. Emphasising the main content of the non-fiction, science based, concise introduction book titled "Ancient Egypt".
Book layout and style system
Pop up timeline chart : The Periods of Egyptian History
Finished in manual Gold Foiling on omega paper, hard cover, and digital print on various material
Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

The Ancient Egypt book was designed due to editorial class as a final project. The original content was published in a soft cover book by The Bri Read More
