Nadya Sualang's profile

Article-Interview / Fashion Communication


Her friends would use adjectives such as quiet, reserved, dilligent and soft-spoken to describe her. This young designer-to-be comes into a classroom and walks straight to her seat, sits down, and pays attention to the lecture absolutely undisturbed by her peers’ chit-chats. Little do they know that under this reserved exterior lies a multidimensional personality full of fascinating factoids and an intriguing fondness of Lana del Rey.

                Afiqah, as her friends call her, is quiet. She does not say much at all in class, or even outside of class. When we pass by each other in the hallway, very rarely will the conversation be more than the usual greetings of hello, goodbye, and nothing more. With jet black straight hair, perfect make up on her face and a no-nonsense look on her eyes, it is hard to imagine this young designer singing her hearts out, to Lana del Rey and Bruno Major to be exact. Although she admitted that she does not like to go to karaoke with a lot of people, Afiqah likes to sing. She conceded that she likes del Rey and Major in particular for their moody vibes and for the emotion that they pour into their songs.

                As we got to talking and the ice began to break in the interview, this third year fashion design student also said that other than fashion, she is interested in the law and had seriously considered law school before she entered NAFA. Her truly multidimensional character surfaced as she admitted that she also considered aviation as a career. Being from an all-girl school before college, she sees being a woman pilot as a cool and interesting profession to embark on. People often asked her if it was weird to spend secondary school in an all-girl environment, and she nonchalantly answers, ‘it’s fine, people ask me if it was weird, but I guess boys didn’t even interest me at the time so it doesn’t matter. You can sit however you want,” she says with a grin.

                The interview progressed and unavoidably the issue of careers, jobs and professions came up in our thought-provoking and eye-opening conversation. She confessed that aside from singing, under this coy surface lies a dancer. She went to dance classes, specifically ‘Girl Style’, a girly and sexy hip-hop dance in line with the aesthetics of Pussycat Dolls. This is very unexpected coming from a girl who is very reserved and silent in class, and just when we think we really don’t know who the real Afiqah is, she comes to us with a completely relatable and down-to-earth fact.; she is experiencing what every other early 20-year-old is facing; the unknown future. “There are many paths that I want to explore. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” And we shall.
This is a project for Fashion Communications Class, in which we were told to interview one of our classmates and do an article based on that interview. 
Article-Interview / Fashion Communication

Article-Interview / Fashion Communication

An article which was based on an interview with a fellow class mate for Fashion Communication class.


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