Feast Unfit, 2016
You Deserve It, 2017
Sea Inside, 2016
Red Tide, 2017
Trap of Excess, 2016
Sushi is a popular delicacy, consumed daily worldwide. 
I have used this recognizable food to gain entrance into the viewer's psyche and ask - Would any person eat this "sushi" no matter how good it may look? 
    Of course not! 
So why then do we as humans force feed the planet's creatures, oceans, and land to swallow this un-natural material for the sake of our daily conveniences? 
Our insatiable appetites not only for fish but daily plastic-wrapped consumables seem destined to leave more waste than fish in the oceans. And because natural food sources for marine life are rapidly declining due to overfishing, all manner of marine animals are forced to eat plastic.

This work calls in to question our comfortable habits when choosing and using single-use plastics, focusing attention on our connection with the planet’s oceans and highlighting the fragility of our resources and the looming reality of a plastic filled ocean. 


Environmental, contemporary art referencing and abstracting food but made from found single use plastic
