1.) Love
2.) This shows love by the expression and posture of the two subjects.
3.) Finding a good background, overcame by using a space where both could comfortably fit.
1.) Love
2.) The act of the girl kissing the guy, showing affection/love.
3.) Had to find a wall/angle big enough to fit the two of them in the frame. I ended up sitting on a ledge and having them up against a large blank wall.
1.) Loneliness
2.) The subject sitting by themselves on the stairs with no one around them demonstrates loneliness.
3.) Had trouble finding the right pose but overcame it by having the subject look lost in his own thoughts on some empty stairs. 
1.) Loneliness
2.) The subject's face and setting describe this theme. 
3.) I didn't have trouble taking this photo. 
1.) Aging
2.) The cracks, holes, and color of the wall all suggest decrepit and age.
3. i had trouble finding a good subject mater for aging but overcame it by trying to find things that look old/aging. 
1.) Aging
2.) The old, dried, brown leaves on the branches suggests aging.
3.) I had trouble finding a good angle, but positioned myself under the tree to get a unique angle. 
1.) Nature
2.) It shows a flower thus being nature.
3.) I had trouble getting good enough lighting but moved to the side of the flower to overcome it. 
1.) Nature
2.) It shows a vine like plant, thus it being nature.
3.) I had trouble locating an interesting plant but overcame it by looking for a normal plant with an interesting aspect to it like this one, how it grows. 

The Great Themes

The Great Themes



Creative Fields