Adele Ng's profile

Artiste - (UI/UX/Mockup)

Artiste -
This is the Artistes community for all TVB artistes. It consolidates more than 300 TVB artistes' profiles, blog posts, videos, photos and fans' messages.

Every artiste will have its own designed blog header and styled theme, artiste can post its daily blog, photo or videos. Fans can make comment as well as artiste can make feedback by using the commentary function.

The homepage includes a very attractive animation banner slide show, mouseover the area of banner will show the selected artiste's latest photos. There is a latest feed module under the animation, it lists out the latest 20 feeds for all artistes by default (click expand for more at the bottom). Users can browser different types of feeds and every feed includes artist's thumbnail, name, posted items and time, the post title, the first line of the post and posted photos' thumbnails or video thumbnail. Certainly, user can click to view more and make comment.
Besides, there is a ranking page for viewers to browser the most popular or the newest artiste. Artiste Calendar provides many big events' detail information. Wallpaper offers fans to download many updated artistes' wallpaper.
Artiste Homepage
Artistes' Blog Header
A to Z
Artiste Calendar
Artiste Wallpaper
Artiste - (UI/UX/Mockup)

Artiste - (UI/UX/Mockup)

A web portal for TVB artistes.
