Amanda Moore's profile

“Primordial” Experimental Fashion Collection and GIF


“It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that some of earth’s dark, dead corners and unplumbed depths be let alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving nightmares squirm and splash out of their black lairs...”

I have grown prepared.

Born from nothing but the desire
To struggle away from your scrutinizing gaze.

Don’t watch me so closely!
I’ll make something of myself,
And shed this burnt, stretched skin.

Hardening from trials, evolved from experience,
I have grown perilous.

Soaking up ideas like a sponge, and crunching
My maw down on those who resist.

I am not done.
(Feed the Maw, devour them all!)

Does it hurt? Every time.
But I evolved from churning brine.
Compared to the past, this is easily solved.
(I had a problem; I evolved.) 

My skull erupts with needle spires, with jagged teeth I so desired.
(Armor from your words, your stares.)
Beware, for I am now prepared.

You must think of me as a monstrosity,
A new growth, emerging from some dank spot
Where Life pointed a horrid finger.
That is a mistake, for though I breathe, I was conceived
Entirely by Death.
(Born of its rancid breath.) 

I dwell amongst realities, rippling against one another like the ocean’s silken,
Swollen surfaces.
(I lurk.)
I feed, I cry.
I grow, I divide.
I die.
I multiply.

I taste, I test, I try.
With flower feelers, I curl into your world.
(My mind a slate unfurled.)
What is delicious, I shall adopt into my doctrine.
What is weak, I will strike down.
What is distasteful, I shall disown.
This realm is my new field to roam.

I slink about, slurping with ease.
(The ocean’s vents shall burble, and fallen ones shall gurgle.)

I have grown pleased.
My clown smile is wide open to swallow you whole.
(Swim in.)

(It begins.)

I have outgrown this notion of predator and prey.
(Food for the lewd.)

I shed my skin, and I pursued the truth.
(Now YOU are consumed.)

With you in my gullet, I am finally comfortable being watched.
(Because you are inside.)
(Because you have no eyes.)

I am comfortable watching you.

Your disapproving stares and excavating glares are nothing new.
Yet, you overlooked the true danger of my existence, and
I grew, and grew, and grew.

Now I am consuming you.

It was inevitable, that I should always wake, and 
Slake my curiosity.

Now, here comes my ferocity.

“From even the greatest of horrors irony is seldom absent.” 

“Primordial” Experimental Fashion Collection and GIF


“Primordial” Experimental Fashion Collection and GIF

Primordial was a three-week experimental, textile-focused project for Concept Design class. Original textiles explored wet & dry felting, layerin Read More
