Ancient Future
Nova Website - Background Art
Here is my attempt of a scientific futuristic world. This is the first time i have done something like this and am pretty happy with the outcome. Inspired by 2Advanced Studios and work that i have seen from various artists on here and deviantart. So I decided to give it a go myself. A great learning experience thats for sure!

It is pretty much a mash up of free stock and google images that i have placed in an "ancient future" like world. A lot of lighting manipulation and photoshop effects are used here. My favourite part of this are the 2 exploring Meerkats :)
This is the template as a whole and then below I split it in half so you can get a closer look.

I read on someones portfolio that they made a nebula using a marble texture. So i gave it a go myself and couldnt believe how easy it was to do and how well it works.

This whole project was a real great way to master lighting, and I think I have achieved that!
Ancient Future

Ancient Future

Here is my attempt of a scientific futuristic world. This is the first time i have done something like this and am pretty happy with the outcome. Read More
