I was asked to come up with a business card for a business that I knew nothing about. All I was told was the name of the business. This is a concept idea for the business card using one of a few logo designs.
I was asked to come up with a business card for a business that I knew nothing about. All I was told was the name of the business. This is a concept idea for the business card using one of a few logo designs.
I was asked to come up with a business card for a business that I knew nothing about. All I was told was the name of the business. This is a concept idea for the business card using one of a few logo designs. 

I was asked to come up with a business card for a business that I knew nothing about. All I was told was the name of the business. This is a concept idea for the business card using one of a few logo designs.

I was asked to come up with a business card for a business that I knew nothing about. All I was told was the name of the business. This is a concept idea for the business card using one of a few logo designs.
This is a logo concept for a business card I was asked to design.
This is a logo concept for a business card I was asked to design.
This is a logo concept for a business card I was asked to design.
This is a school project using multiplicity-style photo manipulation. This was taking on campus at short notice.
This is a school project using multiplicity-style photo manipulation. This one came out just as i'd hoped. Unfortunately, the only help I had with this was my father. He is a very busy man and sadly he missed a few shots of me. Still came out good though.
For this picture, I was asked to make a copy of my face using shapes and colors. I think it came out okay. There were some serious lighting issues I had to tackle and I'm sure I can improve on it, given time.
This picture is the same as the one above, but I just did a few tweaks on it to make it feel a little better.
This was a project in which I had to find an article and illustrate it. I found one on global warming and did my best with the time I had.
I was asked to create a new letter in the alphabet using type-faces and current letters. I came up with this.
For this picture(s) I had to design street signs for the strangest things. I came up with these.
At my college, it was asked of a few classes to try to design a poster for an internship program. Out of all the entrees mine and two others were selected top in-class.
This poster was quite fun to dream up. I was simply asked to design something that explained what typography was. I'm not sure if I explained it as well as a dictionary or google, but I think it came out well.
School Work

School Work

These are some of the projects I have done for my school so far. I hope to more experienced and to create more interesting and creative concepts.
