Jaden Batenburg's profile

Project Alien world | Game art

Game art project: Alien world.

I study / am going to study Game art and animation.
For the second project in class we had to draw an Alien world / Alien landscape.
So I started to pic some ideas from my TMFE project and started to draw out some of the landscapes. 
Down here you can see how and what I drew.
The first picture in the right corner is the air island.
Next to it is in the left corner is the earth island... but justsome nature art.
Above that one is a pice of the dark island with Cysgod in the middel.
And in the right corner above is a ice cave from the water island.
We had to pic one of the four and I choose The dark one because it had more action in it.
The dark island is a purple like black destroyed and empty place with nothing more than demons that live on it.
I treid to draw it as good as possible.
I like how it turned out but I also think that I'll try and change the way I color.
So got color tips tell me!
For now......I can role along with this.

Project Alien world | Game art

Project Alien world | Game art
