August 2015          packaging / web design

August 2015          packaging / web design


Mexican company dedicated to the production, export, processing and freezing of fruits and vegetables.

To design the graphic proposal and concept for the new "Cupak" package for frozen strawberries. The client wanted to launch 2 different presentations of the product, intended for different market segments. Veld-frut would be the premium gourmet presentation, made with a 100% natural mix of ingredients. Sunfruit would be the mainstream presentation, with a traditional mix.

We needed to emphasize the quality of the strawberries used in the mix, as well as the new presentation "Cupak" that would give the traditional frozen strawberries an added value of innovation in the market. The other strawberry producers are very comfortable with the Tetra-Pak box presentation, since it has become a big tradition in the region. Every Mexican knows this frozen strawberries in a small Tetra-Pak... how will they accept this new Cupak presentation?

After an intensive market research I created two different brands, one for each product presentation. I then worked on different graphic proposals that were gradually refined until obtaining the final result of the package. The best strawberries were selected for the photo shoot and the client was supervising the perfection of the form and color of each one. The result is a unique and different packaging that makes the product stand out from others. The web site was the final step to give Cupak network visibility. Cupak is selling well now to retailers all over Mexico.