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ADOBEAWARDS - Coral Bleaching Typeface

C O R A L   B L E A C H I N G   T Y P E F A C E
Did you know the coral reef is alive?! It is an ecosystem that is built by colonies of animals and is bursting with life, with perhaps one quarter of all ocean species depending on its reefs for food sources and shelter. 
But not only animals rely on the reef. People need it for food, protection from shorelines, and even medicine.

As you know, climate change is effecting the world around us right before our eyes. Coral Bleaching is a huge problem and will eventually we will be left with none if the temperature of the waters continue to rise.

This typeface is to raise awareness of the situation. The decolorisation from the more saturated and full colour at the bottoms of the letters to the faded tops of the coral gives the viewer an understanding of what once was and what is now the inevitable.

This project opened my eyes to just how far along we have come to making this world an unliveable place and not cared enough to make change. Each letter has been modelled after the Futura typeface for its strong, bold appearance, and legibility.

Process Video
ADOBEAWARDS - Coral Bleaching Typeface

ADOBEAWARDS - Coral Bleaching Typeface

Coral Bleaching Typeface
