Xavier Estevez's profile

Folly of a Goddess

The Folly of a Goddess
Today is Valentine’s Day, a day for all of those in love to cherish one another. Solo is an 18-year-old who just wants one thing, love. “Another rejection huh Solo”?
 “It isn’t my fault that she rejected me. This one couldn’t even give a reason this time. I hate this shit”.
            “Oh right cause you were “cursed by a god of love”. Honestly you need to quit with that excuse. That is why girls won’t talk or go out with you, because you are crazy”.
            “Listen Roma just because you don’t believe me doesn’t make it less true. I know I was cursed”, Solo exposed the left side of his chest to Roma, “see this?”, Solo points to this scarred heart like symbol, “This isn’t a birth mark because birth marks don’t look like they have been burned into the skin. Also, I can talk to girls, I mean I’m talking to you, what I can’t do is get them to love me”.
            “So what God would curse you because I don’t think you are that special that a god would curse you”.
            “Well that’s just it, there are too many gods of love and they cover specific loves. I’ve been thinking about it and I came up with a tentative list of four: Eros, Chama, Aphrodite, or Yue-Lao”.
            “Wait, why is Aphrodite on the same list as Eros? That doesn’t make any sense”.
            “Well, Eros usually has heavy interaction in the human world, he would do something like this especially cursing someone to not love. Aphrodite is on this list because of the strength and overall generality of the curse. Eros would have to be near to renew the curse and his love is more sexual desire. Aphrodite is all love”.
            “Ok so why would any of those four curse you. Cause again, it makes no sense to curse a human”.
            “Chama could have done it because I am a threat to the young love of others, which he is the god of, Yue-Lao could have cursed me because I’ve somehow found a way to cut his red string of fate, Eros is a prick so there doesn’t have to be reason. I can’t understand why Aphrodite would. The only people she curses are those that challenge her in beauty or those that steal the people she loves. But even then, she only ever interacted in the affairs of the Greek people. My family honors gods from the Dominican Republic. Our gods are old and their names have been forgotten. But still, she shouldn’t have interacted with me at all”.
            “Well how about this for a theory. She sees you as a child and finds you interesting, so she goes to the Fates to see your future and she finds out that you end up with an unfaithful woman who destroys you and locks your heart away. As she looks through your future she falls in love with the man you become and needs to ensure that she can have you. So, she curses you but this incurs the wrath of your gods and various other gods. So, to appease them she falls from Olympus, disguises herself as a girl your age, and begins living alongside you as the only girl that can get close to you”.
            “Ok so a couple things, that seemed very much like that was Aphrodite’s reasoning as to why she cursed me. A follow up is that I don’t know where to go from here. Cause either you, a goddess of love, just confessed to me. Or, a god just spoke through you.
            “For the love of, MY NAME IS ROMA. ROMA backwards is AMOR in Spanish you idiot!!! I AM THE GODDESS OF LOVE. Is that anymore obvious for you”?
            “Yes it is. May I just ask- “
            “No I’ve played along for too long. I am going to ask one question Solo. What would it take for you to be mine for all of my life? Not your mortal life, my IMMORTAL life”.
“Frankly, that was what I was gonna ask. This is a lot of dedication and I admire that. You left the home of the gods for me and combatted with other gods over me, a mere human. So yeah, I’m yours, forever because frankly this you Roma, the insanely strong and gunho you, is beautiful.
“So you don’t love the fact that I am a God”?
“No, you being a God, especially the one that cursed me, doesn’t really do much for me. It’s the actions you took to just be near the man you love that moved me”.
“So where do we go from here”?
Folly of a Goddess

Folly of a Goddess


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