Digital and Web Copy
Whether it sits on a website or a social media post, copywriting is meant to do one thing: Start a conversation.
Each brand below has a different tone/style, so sometimes knowing HOW to speak is the challenge.
Local Supply is the Warby Parker of Australia, crashing on US shores sometime fairly soon. Hip, cool, and fun, the copy must embody the spirit of the shades.

Wave Shades are the innovative new sunglasses that may revolutionize payment systems. See more at
This is no hyperbole. PCC's blueberries are face meltingly good.  PCC's brand is about organic, natural products and a care for the community. 
BuzzBee farms isn't an actual company. This is spec work I did for school. Still, you wish it were real, don't you?
Man Crates is the most fun copy to write. All I needed to do was think of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation, and be him for a while.
Digital and Web Copy

Digital and Web Copy

Digital and web copy Leonard David Raymundo has created for a variety of companies and online brands.
