Projects Internship Mica IT 2017 / 2018
MIKE- Mica Back-End Website
MICA wanted a new back-end website for both themselves, resellers and their customers, where they could easily keep track of all their sales, and the customers could easily buy a new contract. We went to quite a handful of design changes. One of their wishes was that the menu button was right, and could extend when pressed upon. 
The first rough sketches made for the website
Version 1 of the website design
Version two of the design
view for a reseller of Mica IT
Pop-up Customer when buying a new contract
MUNDO Kinderopvang
Mundo Kinderopvang wanted an easier way for both them and the parents to keep track of the children going there and the costs for the kids going there. They did this with a parental app, and a tablet app where kids could register themselves and 'clock in' and 'clock out' when they were there.

Design back-end for the Mundo Tablet
Design for the parental app with all its different features.
MICA IT Design

MICA IT Design


Creative Fields