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Book Cover: The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Book Cover 
I created a book cover for The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. My first step was taking pictures of ordinary objects to gain inspiration. Once I had a picture I liked, I surveyed people about what symbols they saw in the photo. Ultimately, I decided to use The Great Gatsby because it has many symbols that connect with the photo and can relate to the viewer. Here are a few connections I saw between the two:
Gatsby makes his money by selling alcohol during the Prohibition. In reality, he is like the ordinary cup shown in the book cover, but he is portraying himself as the intricate amazing shadow, the shadow resembles lace which was common for wealthy women to wear in the 20s, Gatsby is always trying to impress Daisy with money but his is running out and he doesn't want her to know, this reflects the title behind the glass on the cover, there is a motif of green in the book, and the cup in the photo is green, Gatsby is shot and then falls into water at the end of the book.. the cup could be filled with water and "Gatsby" is partway in it. 
Book Cover: The Great Gatsby

Book Cover: The Great Gatsby
