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Bookmaker Rating - online portal for sport betters

Рейтинг Букмекеров - крупнейший российский портал для игроков на ставках, для которого я переработал страницы со сложной структурой в максимально понятном и удобном для пользователей формате.

Bookmaker Rating - largest Russian web portal for sport betters. My job was to redesign some of most money-making pages for maximum usability and ease of information representation. Working on this project I collaborated tightly with CEO and SEO director. I needed to get a very detailed understanding how these pages can be usefull for users so they can reach their goals easily and effortlessly.
Для меню на узких экранах я использовал горизонтальную прокрутку уровней вложенности

I also recreated site's menu. Previous version was too complicated and caused frustration among users. My new version is much faster and has clearer structure.

Sometimes I worked on promo banners for website partners... In bookmaker industry it is common to use sexy girls images to attract attention of gamblers.

Redesign of the most important page - the rating of bookmaker company with extensive amount of data about each company. New page has much clearer structure and most sections had been reinvented to present data in optimised layout.

Data page presenting amount of complains for selected time period

Layout page for company's page on HeadHunter (HR portal) 
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Bookmaker Rating - online portal for sport betters


Bookmaker Rating - online portal for sport betters

Rating site for betting players and gamblers. New UI and UX for people who like mostly football ( soccer )
