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Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth

In 1969 the book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth was published. Created by Buckminster Fuller the book reflected upon the past, present and future of humanity and Spaceship Earth, here Fuller talks about the approaching fork in the road where humanity must choose between utopia or oblivion. Exploring his penultimate view of the human condition, we find the crew of this spaceship and its capability for survival on this superbly designed sphere of almost negligible dimension in the great vastness of space.
The book itself is 21,000 worlds with 8 chapters and focuses on the raw elements of earth, life and our society.  The book being published in 1969 meat the Apollo missions could play a large role in the design of the book, using original black and white photograph with the only colour being blue (for earth) and yellow (the sun) accent colour to bring more meaning and some colour to the book
Spreads where pages where filled with text the page used the custom font as a statement showing the gravity of the text with Futura being on a trans-clear page to make the book more readable and useable as an object but also bring clarity to the text.
Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth

Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth

In 1969 the book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth was published. Created by Buckminster Fuller the book reflected upon the past, present and Read More
