Luca Celani's profile

Crêuza De Mä — Visual Book

This project was one of the many exercises of my degree preparation course. The brief wanted the students to work with two odd materials: music and frottages, a technique that consist in rubbing a pencil on a paper placed on an uneven surface, capturing a negative print of the object. 

The chosen song was "Creuza  De Ma" by Fabrizio de André, his first song in genovese dialect, considered a mileston in italian folk muisc. The songwriter pictures a typical day on the genovese seaside as a metaphor for life creating an ipnotic and estranging mood with the music.
I came up with the idea of travelling to the Genoa suburb in wich De André was born to impress on paper the texture of meanigful places of his life that inspired the song, in this way a wanted to create a parallel journey to the one pictured by the song.
This are the ten final frottages tinted in this faint blue. The aim was to extrapolate and make them look like abstract drawings of different water states, the element that dictates law for the seaside life.
All these frottages had to be displayed in a little A5 booklet with a layout inspired by the classical scientific editions. For this reason i directly took inspiration from the most classical of them, the encyclopedia, creating different tables with footnotes with all the information of the locations and with some curiosities about the songwriter life.
The cover is also inspired by the typical layout of scores, showing immediatly at the reader the type of content that he/she's going to find inside.
In the footnotes there are the exact geografical coordinates of the place in wich the frottage was taken while all the descriptions come from authorative sources such as encyclopedias, turist guides and newspapers.
Typeface: Americana & Bodoni
University Project
Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale
prof. Luca Pitoni - Mario Piazza - Marco Pea

AY 2016 - 2017
Scuola del Design Politecnico di Milano
Crêuza De Mä — Visual Book

Crêuza De Mä — Visual Book

Booklet made with frottages inspired by the italian songwriter Fabrizio De André's song "Creuza De Ma".
