Foram Shah's profile

The Mumbai Rickshaw

For this project, we had to select a persona, study them and then design the newspaper as that persona. For this purpose, we could bend all the rules of a newspaper, making this project very experimental.
My persona was the Mumbai Rickshaw Driver. I designed the newspaper as a rickshaw driver would. Thus making it important to get into his character and adopt his habits.

By putting myself in the autorikshaw driver’s shoes, I found everything to be chaotic and disorganized. But this chaos and disorganized behavior was the defining characteristic of any and every auto rikshaw driver making it the only thing common about all autorikshaw drivers. Thus, such organization within disorganization became my central concept.

Throughout the newspaper, I depicted the rickshaw driver’s journey. Not only can you chart where he traveled in his rickshaw through the day but due to the orientation of the paper, one has to move the paper in different directions to read it giving the same feeling as of a rickshaw’s handle. Since the rickshaw driver follows no lines, the paper does not follow a grid.
The Mumbai Rickshaw

The Mumbai Rickshaw

For this project, we had to select a persona, study them and then design the newspaper as that persona. For this purpose, we could bend all the r Read More
