Rajan Bhatt's profile

Yoga and Aerobic Exercise Together Improve Heart Health

Rajan Bhatt, MD, FACP, FACC, serves as a cardiologist at Spectrum Dermatology & Vein Center in Arizona. Active within the professional community, Dr. Rajan Bhatt belongs to several organizations, including the American College of Cardiology (ACC), an organization dedicated to improving heart health.

In October, new research presented at the 8th Emirate Cardiac Society Congress, an event held in collaboration with the ACC Middle East Conference, revealed the practicing both yoga and aerobic exercise lower heart disease risk factors. According to this study, patients with heart disease who practiced both forms of exercise saw a decrease in body mass index, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. This decrease was two times the amount seen among patients who practice aerobic exercise or yoga alone.

The study gathered data from 750 patients who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Among these patients, 225 participated in aerobic exercise and 240 practiced Indian yoga. The remaining patients participated in both aerobic exercise and yoga. Yoga, aerobic exercise, or a combination of the two, were practiced by each group for six months at a time; groups completed three of these six-month sessions over the course of the study.

While patients in the yoga only and aerobic exercise only groups did see reductions in LDL, waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and triglycerides, those in the yoga and aerobic exercise group saw much larger deductions. The latter group also experienced improvement in diastolic function and left ventricular ejection fraction.
Yoga and Aerobic Exercise Together Improve Heart Health

Yoga and Aerobic Exercise Together Improve Heart Health
