Izzy Durose's profile

All the Fun at the Fair

This portfolio is the finals of the 5 shoots I did for my brief of "All the Fun at the Fair".
For this brief, I wanted to stay away from the obvious red nose, carnival depictions of the fair. I wanted to really capture the essence of the vibrancy and fun that the fair brings to everyone. Focussing on fashion photography, I decided to link all 5 shoots with the colour red, and if you look through the images you can see a clear theme running through them.
This brief was the first of many A-Level projects and as an 'introduction' to the course, I had great fun in exploring working with models, that I'd never done before, learning about lighting, the studio, photoshop and more. 
All models used were wonderful and I have linked their Instagrams below if anyone wants to get in touch with them.
Big Love,
All the Fun at the Fair

All the Fun at the Fair
