Inspirations for my Design: 

like and follow his work​​​​​​​
I loved how he captured the city in one place and the light effects in these images are amazing it takes me back to the riverside festival in nottingham when it gets dark all the pretty lights are shinning on the river its amazing then the fireworks go of its magnificent. 
The photo above i took many years ago when i got into photography with my stepdad it was the light festival in nottingham and it was so bright and beautiful everyone put in such great effort to making there stuff it was amazing so i used this image as reference to my design the colours the light.
For the life off me i can not find the designer through my appreciation folder that own these images so if they belong to you please tell me in the comments so i can link you in to my research/referencing.. i really love the shapes off these and its got my interested in architecture and how i can use it in Design this is what i came up with based of the second photo... ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Here i thought adding a blur on the image will make it look like its glowing. 
Light up the city

Light up the city
