Trowel and Fork set
Brief:  To design a fork and trowel set suited to the injection molding process. Students had to take the design criteria, aesthetics and functionality into account. 
Research was conducted in order to understand the product, know it's design criteria and help our own designs better the existing precedents.
Concept sketches
Brainstorming concept sketches based on the understanding of existing trowel and fork sets. These sketches are important to aid the design of our trowel and fork set.
Developmental drawings
These drawings are developments from the conceptual sketches. These are concepts that are considered as a final design for this project.
Refined drawings
A final concept has been made and is now refined. The refinement stage involves improving certain qualities and characteristics on the product and at the same time removing unnecessary aspects to the product.
Final Concept drawing
Handle design experiments & development
Experimentation on the design of the handle was done. Each handle had a different design and was tested by holding each one and seeing if it was comfortable, easy to use with the tools attached and aesthetically pleasing.
Final Products
These items were 3D printed, spray painted and branded with the well-known brand, Gardena. These items have key features such as the screw in mechanism that attaches to the handle.
Screw in mechanism 
These image depict how the screw mechanism will work. The mechanism is easy to use and very functional.
Gardena Branding
The branding was stuck on the handle. The location was most appropriate as it wont scratch or ware off because no hard work is done on the handle therefore the quality of the object remains good.
Engineering drawings
Thank you for your time!
Trowel and Fork set

Trowel and Fork set
