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Street Photography - Singapore Raffles Place

06 November 2017, I went to Raffles Place for some errands and decided to bring my new camera for some street photography. These pictures were taken from Fujifilm X-T20 (18-55mm kit lens). 
Man on the phone while smoking.
I personally quite like this photo as it showed 2 men each in their own thoughts. 
This is just  sky scraper picture of the buildings in Raffles Place
When I took this shot, it didn't occur to me that it would turn out to be a surprise to me. I just wanted to take the woman sitting on the bench on her own. But when I edited the picture, I realised that there was another woman on the big screen in the backdrop. The woman I was taking was sitting down with a small tree behind her and leaves and branches over her head; And the woman in the big screen was standing with a tree as a backdrop as well. This was such a coincidence to me!
In the above picture, what  I wanted to portray was the walking man vs those who were sitting down. I tried to capture how fast the man was walking.  
As I stood on the higher ground, I let my camera hung on my neck and waited for strangers to walk past me. I had my mobile phone connected to the camera as a remote control and started snapping pictures of people which I thought may be interesting.  The above picture was a couple and their baby (I assumed they are husband and wife) and I just love the look on the baby face, as if he was frowning.
It was meant to be just another picture, never did I realise that I would capture  the woman's expression.
When I saw the above, the first thing I thought of was to practise on my bokeh and framing. So I went closer to take pictures of pedestrians through the various shapes and sizes.
Somehow I just love this bicycle wheel.
These few pictures are from a sculpture in Raffles Place. 
As I stood in front of the glass panel, looking through to the escalator, I saw these 2 women about to cross their paths. I pointed my camera at them and snapped away, and it turned out to be one of my favourite picture of the day.

Street Photography - Singapore Raffles Place

Street Photography - Singapore Raffles Place
