Oana Popescu's profile

And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

Methoxetamine calamities 

or why I'd rather hashtag 'numinous bio-acoustics' rather than disclose how he would stubbornly fake being unaware of how much of me he engulfed each time he would tap an odd time signature on my forearm during rust morning afterglows, 
out back, by the swings. 

To slip up the barricades
I'd baited myself prematurely out of his discouraged grip;
battered myself apart so I could sprint over his void,
but every time I hit a peak
I still loop back steadfast beneath his headlights -
self-confined to tumble down escherian hills

/transfused in passed light/

endlessly not thwarting the hostility I breathe through the holes he gently wept on my face 
shamelessly unhiding a countenance of defacement 
ritually undusting hinges from our fire-worn misalliance 
I haunt
& dig
for a mere bend in your carcass
cause there is no way you could've blindly absorbed the pressure this far... 
(just to face me down)

Sequestered in a cell of cinders,

ever mine
& loyally forlorn,

the stone writes 'O-A-V' 
in zero-sum letters.
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

excerpt from 'Liminal Debris: a collection of poems, photographs and other splinters'
