This project is called: "ASTRO-NAUD".
I made use of the following tools: Unity3D, C#, Visual Studios, UI, Rigidbody2D physics, the Animator, Instantiate, Infinity Spawn, Input Manager, Scene Manager and more.
In this project I worked together with an developer, Bosko Ivkovic and four artists.

The project is a 2D arcade game where the goal is to get the highest possible score.
Your score increases by surviving as long as possible and by collecting crystals.
To survive you have to keep climbing platforms to make sure you don't go outside op the camera, while dodging enemies en trying to make jumps.

I worked together with another programmer, Stan Vogels, and four artists.
These are the main features I have made.
This video is a trailer of our game. It displays the main gameplay mechanics and the setting the game should give you.
Here you can see the player jumping from platform to platform, when the player moves, he runs, when he stands still, he actually stands still again.
In this shot you can see that at the beginning the camera moves up very slowly, but when you start reaching some actual heights it goes a lot faster.
at the and of the GIF you can see that the camera starts going down with the speed it already has, this is triggered by pressing G(or the white button on the arcade console).
Here you can see that I die in the game because I fall down out of the screen while ascending.
Here you can see that I die in the game because I hit the top the screen while descending.
Here you can see that I die in the game because I fall down out of the screen while descending.

All these circumstances trigger by hitting specific trigger colliders that are attached to the camera and switch to the Game Over screen when hit by the player under de right circumstances.
Here you can see that I take damage from enemies. At the start you have three health. This is displayed in the top left as hearts.

When you collide with anything hostile you take one damage and that hostile object disappears.
When my health reaches zero you die and go to the Game Over screen.
In the top left you could see that taking damage takes away one of your hearts. I have done this bij disabling and enabling them depending om the amount of health you have.
Another thing that happens when you take damage it that your player blinks for a few seconds, indicating that you took damage.
This is done by disabling and enabling the sprite renderer of the player mulitple times. This makes the player disappear and reappear quickly for a few times.
Here you can see that when I jump outside of the screen I will reappear at the same spot with the same speed but than at the other side of the screen, as if I loop around.
This is done by adjusting the players position when it goes out of the screen.
The enemy on the right shoots balls at the player with a slow firerate when the player is within its range.
This happens by detecting if the player is within its range trigger and than instantiating an object every X seconds that flies in a straight line.
 This is our moodboard for our first concept, which was a 2D pinball game in a western setting. After more brainstorming we did not like this concept and continued thinking of other idea's.
This is our moodboard for our climbing game. We wanted to make a game in both a neon and a space setting.



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