Narek Koroukian's profile

Wax Ring Carving and Casting

It all started in the summer of 2011, where I developed an interest for designing and manufacturing rings. I am a very “hands-on” person, and when I grow an interest towards something, I want to live the experience of becoming a stakeholder by creating those interests on my own. This helps me dissect my interest not by living off someone else’s experience, yet my own. 

I compare the experience of making a ring through all its 4 stages to creating a meal, I had to make sure I had all the ingredients (tools) to prepare the meal (ring). A single meal's ingredients are constant, what differs is the chefs touch and taste that could completely redefine your experience whilst eating the meal, which was of course the design and finishing touches of the ring. 

The media could be approached to in a very scientific manner since a ring is a ring. Its round with a hole. The context in which this ring is acquired or presented could have an affect on the media, where the ring is not perceived as a scientific object, but rather a meaningful piece of “jewelry”. The context may differ depending on the occasion, the type of rock or pearl that's set on the ring or even the words and symbols.  

As I progressed from learning the basics of ring making, I began to consider the connotative meaning of various shapes and forms to decide what the ring should communicate. This part is crucial as you should decide what demographic you want to target, the purpose and the context.
Wax Ring Carving and Casting

Wax Ring Carving and Casting
