While I worked at Y&R I covered two primary accounts consisting of Oechsle, the third largest department store in Peru, and Financiera oh!, a large microfinance company owned by Oechsle. Managed my own team of five creatives for the Financiera oh! account. I was responsible for directly maintaining the relationship with the marketing directors of the client. I met weekly with the client for brainstorming meetings, presentations, and work updates. I created the Financiera oh! visual identity (including logos), to give the segment an independent life from it’s more recognized Tarjeta oh! brand. I also art directed the photoshoot and designs for Tarjeta oh!’s nationwide VISA campaign. Daily I was in charge of strategic direction, creative innovation, retail catalogs and maintaining design excellence to assist the client team to achieve their communications and service objectives.
Tarjeta oh!

Tarjeta oh!
