Watashiwa Pengin's profile

Survival of the Flipper-est

Survival of the Flipper-est
Inktober 2017
Entry #18
Autoplay at the end
Decided not to add any colors, I like what I got in b&w.

The Seagulls launched an all out uncoordinated attack, revealing they had no idea what their own flagship’s vulnerabilities were. Captain Swiftbreeze was glad. Cadette Black Beak and the Comms team gave him full control of the ship’s defenses and managed to disrupt the enemy carrier ship’s systems before they could assist the fighters.

Realizing they were locked down, they decided to flee back into space. The cybernetic Seagull had disappeared, most likely taking an escape shuttle during the battle. Captain Swiftbreeze feared it wasn't the last time they would encounter him. The Space Penguin HQ had to be notified of this new threat.
In the end, only the flagship remained, in full control of the Space Penguins, but not undamaged. It was losing altitude and they would need to run emergency repairs. Fortunately they had the Seagull crew imprisoned, they would convince them to cooperate. Peace Tuna usually made the process smoother.

As the other Seagull ships crash landed, a welcoming committee received them, dressed in bones, capturing them with their own electric net launchers. The entire area was littered with debris and smoke. It was now up to the Space Penguins to do the clean up and they would definitely put the Seagulls to help. All that filth was not going to clean itself and they were responsible too.

This would be Phase 1 of their Rehab & Reintegration program...
Wice - Star Fighter
Just because Synthwave is cool
Survival of the Flipper-est

Survival of the Flipper-est

The Space Penguins engage the Seagull raiders disabling their ships and grounding them. Realizing they have been locked down, lost their flagship Read More
