One Fat Penguin
Inktober 2017
Entry #16
Autplay at the end
As the Penguins got ready to take over, the Seagull leader turned around saying “and we will begin by cooking that fat Penguin!” pointing towards the medical officer. The medical officer felt his blood boil, how dare he call him fat!?
Instantly, the medical officer leap on top of the command board and threw his grenades yelling “I’m curvy. And I like it!!!” At the same time, the Captain  knocked out the guard in the room and the other officer ran towards the door behind them, opening it and throwing his grenades at the guards outside in the hallway.

The battle to take over the Seagull's flagship had begun...
The Space Hero
Waveshaper is cool
One Fat Penguin

One Fat Penguin

As the Penguins got ready, the Seagull leader turned around saying “and we will begin by cooking that fat Penguin!” pointing towards the medical Read More
