The Sunday Paper

My first job in design was creating editorial pages for The Sunday Paper, an Atlanta alternative newsweekly with 75,000 circulation. I had just graduated from the University of Georgia with degrees in Journalism and Political Science, and as such had formal training as a reporter and writer. However, I was drawn to design and obtained this position by applying for the job, then walking into the SP offices to ask for the job in person.

From 2004-2006, I designed and managed for all sections, including covers, news, features, and classifieds. I also used my undergraduate training in print journalism to write and publish two freelance pieces for the paper: one, a feature on the Atlanta Rollergirls, and then an interview with noted industrial designer Karim Rashid in 2007.
SP Covers

As an editorial designer, I enjoyed attending the editors' Friday afternoon planning meetings. Work on covers would begin at these meetings at least one or two weeks in advance. Each cover typically required 2-5 draft compositions, then an editor review. After selecting an option, the cover art would pass through several rounds of revision before finalization for press.
The Girls Next Door

Though my role was in design, I wrote the occasional support piece and was privileged to be assigned to cover the Atlanta Rollergirls as they gained popularity in Atlanta. It was an incredible honor and pleasure to researched and write a cover piece for the paper, and then design the cover for the work itself along with the interior editorial spreads.
The Sunday Paper

The Sunday Paper

From 2004-2006, I designed and managed for all sections of The Sunday Paper, a major Atlanta alternative newsweekly, including covers, news, feat Read More
