(or in this case, Wordpress.)

Landfill Designs is run by Emma Smith, a Toronto-based jewellery designer who creates eco-chic necklaces and adornments from beach glass, vintage jewellery and reclaimed items that are hand polished and strung with love.

As an avid crafter, Emma wanted to embrace onlie communities like Etsy and offline fairs without sacrifing her opportunities to build her own brand.  She hired CODEBLOO to create the public face of Landfill Designs to raise it out of the hobby realm and transform it into a business. Combining a Wordpress blog, Etsy feed, Twitter and a Flickr gallery Emma is able to monitor all her social media, update her inventory, interact with other crafters, designers (...fans, clients, customers and passers by) from one place, building her brand and expanding her business.
Landfill Designs' logo represents the old adage "one man's trash is another man's treasure". The website combines slick functionality with a crafty, home-spun feel.

Display at the Leslieville Tree Festival
Landfill Designs

Landfill Designs

Full business re-brand with logo design, web design and Wordpress configuration for a hobby-turned-business jewllery designer.
