Nick Channel
It is a small bumper animated video, made for Nick by using all the famous characters of the series. I explored morphing effect, to change one image or
shape into another through a seamless transition.

It is a promotional advertisement teaser of a brand - Tanban, who's
major objective is to innovate and launch the skincare scarfs.

As scarfs, are small pieces of cloth and indicate smoothness. To indicate the same look and feel of the posts, circles are used and these circle come together making one full print of the scarf. Provoking viewers to know more about the product and the brand.

Client - DBS Bank, The developed bank of Singapore limited

Digibank, is an application made by DBS making it easier for the user. Their main objective is -No paperwork, no charges on digital transactions and no minimum balance rules. All you need is your phone and the digital app!

So, for the promotion and to make the app more reachable to the users, interactive small gifs were made. which were later on uploaded on various digital platforms. Even features of the app is also highlighted so that users can easily get to know and take the advantage of the app. 
Client - Yellow, Branding and Marketing agency

Client - Apron ( For social media platforms)
Client - Fossil ( The Hybrid Life ) for Facebook Post
Client - Himalaya Personal Care, Facebook Posts
Client - Grab On Rent
Client - Tetley Tea



These are small Gifs, made out of various images and concepts.
