Project number 2 for Digital Illustration. This time, it was all on me. Concepting the troll, building a base mesh, sculpting, detailing, texturing, and compositing (although the last step was more for me than the class). Check out the process up to the final composite at the end!
Initial Concept - Inspired in the idea of nomadic wanderer, perhaps small trinkets and loin cloth. The 'beard' and hair were to accompany the visible rib cage to sell the troll as an ancient being living the most minimalist of lifestyles. The design would change over a few drafts, eventually settling on a purely 'creature' design in which all man made objects were removed and some bony rock-like structures were added to the forearms.
Rough Front View - Used mostly as reference than blueprint during the building of the base mesh.
Rough Side View
Base Mesh Front View
The base mesh topology took some experimentation to get into working condition. I was able to keep it confined to all quads (better for sculpting in Mudbox), but my edge loops kept not lining up. This was my first real attempt at box modeling, and I certainly learned a few things along the way about planning out your topology beforehand.
Base Mesh Side View
Final sculpt w/wireframe - T-Pose
While posing, mesh was lowered to subdivision level 1 from 6 for my computer's sake. It ended up meaning a jump down from 8.5 million polygons to only a couple thousand.
Base Material, AO, Composite Pose

The idea behind the pose was to have his arm block out the sun and some windswept sand. As I write this about 12 hours after posing, I'd go back and tweak his right arm if possible.
Z-Depth Map, Composite Pose
Normal Map, Composite Pose
Textured w/Key & Fill, Composite Pose
Final Composite
For the most part, I'm happy with it. I realize the highlights on the troll are too hot to match the highlights on the surrounding sand. The spec map could also use some dampening. Perhaps I'll get the motivation to fix that.
Desert Troll

Desert Troll

A start to finish walk through of the Desert Troll I created for a class.
