For the slow motion exercise I wanted to experiment a bit with ideas and ways of making the short clip. I made a low resolution quality clip passing houses along a street whilst in a car. The grainy and semi jumpy footage is due to keeping the frames per second at the normal rate and not changing it. I did this to lend itself to my idea of being in an altered state. The idea stemmed from a thought of the feeling I get when I am exceedingly tired and sitting in a moving car, a feeling of discomfort and blurriness, which is the sort of feeling I wanted to capture in the clip. The combination of quick cuts and blurry footage creates this feeling for me. And to further this I made 2 screens of the same footage and put them next to each but not in sync to create more unease for the viewers. I’m not sure that the idea would get across to the viewers although overall I hope that viewers will watch the video and make their own interpretation of it. This exercise requires a degree of technique through the way it is assembled and the way it is captured (frame rate), although I have not altered the frame rate the technical elements of creating the video is still somewhat there. Looking back on this slow motion more, the idea is there and I can somewhat get the feeling I was aiming for although the quality and the quick cuts could've been completed better.

Slow Motion

Slow Motion


Creative Fields