2. Adobe Illustrator order and opacity
3. House attempt 1
4. Typography
5. Path finder tool
6. Pre pen tool assignment
6. Pre pen tool Part 2 Jets logo 
7. Simple Character 
8. Complex Character Design
9. Alignment Size and Colour
10. Logo design
11. ACEM Design
12. Personal Logo Design 
13. Christmas Card Design
14. Hard surface Vinyl 
Made for fun and to test stuff
Activity 1 - Thumbnail
In this Activity I learned how to bring in photos and mess around with the effects to create a thumbnail for my behance graphics project. I also learned how to use text and different fonts. 
Activity 2 - Adobe illustrator Abstract Art Shapes, Order and Opacity

I learned how to use opacity to create multiple squares of different colours and put them together to create a blend affect. This picture looks similar to a painting in my opinion.

Activity 3 - House Attempt 1
I learned how to use the basics of the pen tool to recreate simple shapes such as squares and rectangles to recreate the house and yard from the Simpsons animation.
House Attempt 2
The second house attempt felt a bit easier to do but I still found it pretty difficult to make everything line up properly I did use the add anchor points and select tool to line some things up but it didn't fix everything just some things.
Activity 4 -Typography Art
In this activity I learned how to use the pencil tool to make paths that can curve the letters and bend to how ever you want them. That is how I fit so many words into such a small circle. 
Activity 5 - Path Finder Tool
In this activity I learned how to use the path finder tool and use shapes to recreate the following shapes to be exactly as the picture I started with.
Activity 6 Pre - Vector Pen Tool 
No Instructions Pen Tool
With Instructions Pen Tool
In this activity I learned how to make better curves with the pen tool so that I can make exact replicas of letters and shapes instead of broken circles or curves that are somewhat off.

Activity 6 - Jets Logo Pen Tool
In this activity I used my newly learnt skills from the vector assignment to remake the Winnipeg Jets logo with the pen tool.
Activity 7 - Simple character trace pen tool
This activity was very similar to the jets assignment where all we had to do was make a trace of a simple character that we found online I choose to makes this interesting weasel/otter looking animal that looks like a mime.
Activity 8 - Complex Character Trace Pen Tool
This activity was exactly like the last one but it took considerably more time since I was paying attention to detail I would say some of my faults with this recreation would be that I couldn’t figure out how to create blurred blood on his mouth and also the red eye I don’t know how to recreate in its original detail I have to do some more studying in my future traces of complex characters.
Activity 9 - Alignment, Size, and Colour
In this activity we had to recreate squares to be the exact same colour and size as indicated on the photo. We were also told that we had to separate and align them by specific measurements.
Activity 12 - original Logo
For this activity we were told to create a personal logo and put it on a shirt to give an example of what it would look like on a real shirt.
Activity 11 - Logo Design for ACEM
Rough Idea for ACEM
Finished Logo Design
For this activity we had to create a logo for a company that was switching its name. Since it had to do with manitoba I added the province in the "A" and also Added wheat as a little nod to the prairies of Canada.

T-Shirt Mock up 
Billboard mock up
In this Activity we were asked to design a logo for a company called ACEM and make mockups to show what it might look like had it been the actual logo and how it would look in the real world to people if it were an advertisement or piece of clothing.
Activity 12 - Original logo 2
Rough Sketch 
Finished Personal Logo Design
In this activity we were asked to make a rough sketch and a finished version of our own personal logo. I Fooled around with the pen tool to make the letters as for the hour glass I just thought it might look nice if I added one and so I tried it and kept it. I added the circle because it looks nice and simple I made a similar circle design before and thought I should do that look again.
Activity 14 - Quiet Sign for Library 
For this activity we were ask to make quiet signs for our library I kept it simple and easy since your just trying to get the message across I used the schools colours as the background.
____________________________________________________________Christmas Card Design Activtiy

Pre Christmas Card Design
Finished Christmas Card Design
For this assignment we were told to create a christmas card so I used an animal that lives in the cold and is cute so I thought of polar bears and penguins but I like penguins more and I made him looking like he’s having a snowball fight because why not.